
Hi and thanks for visiting Parties with Pizzazz! 

My name is Faye and I love to organise parties and events in the South-East.  If you've got an occassion and want to make it special or different; don't know where to start; have an idea but don't know how to make it a reality; or don't have the time for all those extra touches, then you've come to the right place.

I have a passion for creating all manner of events, bigh or small, for people of all ages.  I believe parties should be enjoyed by everyone and I aim to take the stress and worry of planning a party off your hands.  Each event is personally tailored to your exact requirements so your party is unique, letting you relax and enjoy ypur party as much as your guests.

If you don't want to spend a fortune, but would love some pizzazz in your life, then read on!

Please enjoy the rest of my site and feel free to use the contact page to ask any questions you may have.